As a commercial truck driver, you need to know many guidelines and requirements. You must pass a DOT physical exam every two years if you work in a safety-sensitive position. It can be hard to remember everything to prepare between examinations properly, so review these helpful tips to ensure you are ready.
Lauren Gast
Lauren Gast, Director of Marketing and Communications at Truck Driver Institute, a truck driving school with eleven campuses across the United States.
Avoid Salty Food and Caffeine to Control Blood Pressure
To prepare for your DOT physical, you should start a healthy diet. High blood pressure is one of the biggest indicators of an underlying disease and can cause you to fail your exam. Avoid overly salty foods and caffeine to help ensure that your blood pressure is under control.
You should also come to the exam preparation with all your updated medical information. This will help your exam go a little bit faster and make sure that all the information presented is accurate. If you wear glasses or contact lenses, bring those as well because there will be an eye exam. Also, make sure that you drink a healthy amount of water because you’ll have to provide a urine sample as well.
Tell your examiner if you’re feeling nervous so that [it] can be taken into consideration when they are measuring your heart rate.
Ivo Iv
Ivo Iv, CEO of DHIdeas.
Eat a Balanced Diet, Hydrate, and Exercise
Commercial truck drivers should familiarize themselves with the DOT physical examination requirements. Commercial truck drivers should also maintain a healthy weight and eat a balanced diet. Finally, commercial truck drivers should exercise regularly and stay hydrated.
Benjamin Okyere
Benjamin Okyere, Founder & CTO at Stress Reliever Club.
Review the Exam Procedures
Commercial truck drivers should prepare for the DOT physical examination by familiarizing themselves with the test procedures and reviewing the relevant safety information. They should also maintain a healthy weight and exercise regularly to ensure their health and safety.
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