Active Health Chiropractic
DOT Physical Exam in Reno, Nevada
Rick Sproule , DC
National Registry Certified Medical Examiner
Contact Number
Hours of Operation
Same day appointments
Driving Directions
Northwest Reno – Less than 5 minutes from the highway. Take the I-80 North McCarran Blvd exit. Turn left onto Las Brisas Blvd (one street past W 7th), then left onto Montego Dr. (the first street past the park on the left). Your destination will be the second driveway on your left.
View Active Health Chiropractic LocationServices
- DOT Physical
- School Bus Physical
- FAA BasicMed Exam
Our Priority is to the Driver!
We Perform Driver Helpful® DOT Physical Exams to Assist in Obtaining a CDL Medical Card.
Pass Your DOT Medical Exam!
We know how important it is that you maintain a current CDL medical card. With extensive knowledge of the exam requirements, we will guide you through so you can Keep on Truckin’.
What is a Driver Helpful® DOT Physical Exam?
Helping drivers is what we do. We know the medical requirements and we are interested in helping the driver maintain their livelihood. When needed, we steer drivers with medical conditions thru the requirements so they maintain a current CDL medical card.
Dr. Sproule received his BA and student teaching credential from San Jose State University in 1970 and taught high school in California for 24 years. Prior to his teaching career, he served in the US Navy as part of the submarine service. He graduated from Palmer Chiropractic College in 1993, where he was awarded the Clinical Excellence Award, and has been practicing since then. Dr. Sproule is a Certified Medical Examiner and has conducted hundreds of DOT physical exams for drivers. He is licensed to practice in both Nevada and California. In his free time, he enjoys running, skiing, backpacking, and participating in various outdoor activities.