NRCME DOT Medical Examiner Recertification FAQs
The 10-year NRCME recertification process is almost identical to initial certification.
National Registry Certified Medical Examiners are eligible to recertify once they have reached the 9-year mark of their current certification. These DOT Medical Examiners can begin their recertification training and testing on January 1, 2023. This way, they will have a full year to complete the process. We recommend starting the process early and give yourself adequate time so that if you happen to fail the test, you’ll have plenty of time to take the test again before your certification expires.
Medical professionals whose certification status in the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners expires at any time in 2023 will have until December 31, 2023 to recertify. For example, medical examiner certifications that expire in March 2023 will still be valid through the end of the year. This is only for NRCME DOT Medical Examiners whose certification expires in 2023. FMCSA encourages MEs to take full advantage of the extended 1-year timeframe by starting training and testing actions on January 1, 2023.
DOT Medical examiners will not be held accountable for an expired NRCME certification as the recertification process has not been available until recently. However, if these medical examiners have not completed recertification by the end of 2023, they will loose their certifcation status and be removed from the National Registry.
The live NRCME recertification conferences are held on weekends and scheduled for the majority of the day Saturday, then the first half of Sunday.
Medical providers who are certified and listed in the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners may continue to perform DOT physicals until their certification has expired. If you fail the test but your initial NRCME certification has not expired, you will not be removed from the National Registry. Also, if you don’t pass, you no longer have to wait 30 days before retaking the test. You can retake the test the next day if you choose.