Drug & Alcohol
Screening Solutions
You can rely on a nationwide network of clinics to provide the consistent, accessible collection site choices you require.
- We’ll help your company reduce the costs of your drug screen program
- We’ll streamline your program compliance through the screening, collection, and management processes

Lab-based testing for employees regulated by the Department of Transportation (DOT)
TeamCME offers an automated drug-testing administration through an easy-to-use web-based application.
This application allows you to monitor your drug screen events. It connects the laboratory and the Medical Review Officer (MRO) with your company.
Rapid, instrument-read tests for non-regulated testing
- Get a negative test result within 10 minutes of test completion
- Fast and convenient laboratory confirmations are available for preliminary positive results
- Medical Review Officer (MRO) services if necessary
Use TeamCME’s Randomized Testing Consortium
Our software randomly chooses eligible candidates for random drug and/or alcohol selection testing. It then automatically notifies managers whose staff members’ names have been pulled and provides details to the donor.
The system even provides tools to track each aspect of the process:
- View all eligible employees and recommend alternate donors
- Integrated donor tracking, test status, compliance reports, and MIS report generation
- Generate reports whenever needed
- Assistance with Clearinghouse compliance
You’ll never again have to worry whether you are meeting the requirements of random drug compliance because our system tracks your status for you.