Exam Supplies: Color Vision Test Cards

Exam Supplies: Color Vision Test Cards
Exam Supplies: Color Vision Test Cards
Exam Supplies: Color Vision Test Cards

Exam Supplies: Color Vision Test Cards

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  • Description

Traffic Signal Green, Red, and Amber Color Cards

Stop wasting your time with color charts! Permanently plastic encased color cards are the exact Traffic Signal Green, Red, and Amber as specified by the US Department of Transportation MUTCD color specifications (Final Rule December 16, 2009).

Unlike the colors on Snellen Charts that are used to detect color blindness (more difficult for drivers to differentiate green, red, amber), Traffic Signal Colors were chosen so that even drivers with severe color blindness can distinguish the three colors as required by FMCSA medical guidelines. Perform the color vision test for drivers in less time than it takes to read this sentence.

Price $29.95 includes shipping